Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Last Day

Our last full day in Guatemala began with a talk by Tamalyn Spring Jackson Gutierrez, the Common Hope Country Director for Guatemala. The topics covered included her personal history (she was largely raised in Guatemala) and the problems with the education system in Guatemala. One of the most striking take-aways for me was the fact that the public school teachers are essentially unable to be fired - a policy that is actually a part of the country's constitution. Obviously the threat of job loss is not an appropriate incentive to encourage these teachers to show up to class. Such job security is quite provocative in a country in which from where the next meal will come is not at all clear to a family, most of the time. So, while highly sought, these positions are often staffed by those that just want a steady paycheck, not those that actually wish to make a difference. In addition, many of these teachers have a notion that the bleak educational situation is untenable. Thus, they put in the bare minimum - or less than that (teacher attendance is an ongoing problem).

In all, Tamalyn delivered an excellent talk, despite being challenged by singing children in the neighboring courtyard, and visitors busying about in the adjacent kitchen.

We then assembled at the construction area to journey back to the house we completed last week, to bless it. We were treated to cake and fruit punch, and witnessed an honest expression of appreciation by the mother of the family, who, together with her two daughters, worked almost 300 sweat-equity hours to pay for the structure. It was an emotional scene for everyone.

After the blessing, we returned to the Common Hope compound, where we listened to a talk by
Renato Westby, Programming Director. He discussed the the New Hope project, which he spearheaded, in detail. It was valuable to get this additional background, and we were all very appreciative of him taking his time to meet with us.

Next we had a bit of a goodbye ceremony, with many of the Common Hope staff gathering to share their appreciation for our help, and just for coming down to see what tremendous work they are doing. Carolyn conveyed our appreciation for their hospitality in words that I would have had to work very hard to match in sincerity.

Last, but not least, we all helped with a cooking workshop that was conducted by Carolyn and two of the Common Hope staff. The audience consisted of grandmothers who work out together, and a grandfather who we later learned was trying to take over the tasks that his wife could no longer do, having suffered a stroke. Given that Carolyn is a nutritionist, the focus of this workshop was the incorporation of necessary vitamins and minerals in daily meals. The event was expertly conducted by Carolyn, and the rest of us mainly tried to stay out of the way of women that clearly knew what they were doing!

We ended the day in Guatemala City, at a hotel we had reserved some weeks beforehand, so that the next day of travel wouldn't be as exhausting. It was a good time had between people who have become good friends.

I plan to publish a personal retrospective soon, but we'll see how quickly I get wrapped up into the daily grind!

Hasta Luego!

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